Soothing Anxiety

How to Calm Anxiety

If you are suffering from anxiety, know that you're not alone. The information below will help you understand and cope better. Anxiety disorder is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It can cause feelings of fear, worry, and discomfort, and can interfere with daily activities and relationships. Today's blog, will explore the causes and symptoms of anxiety, as well as various treatment options to help you and your loved ones manage anxiety in a way that is best for your needs.

Anxiety Causes

Anxiety can be influenced by many different factors, and therefore it is generally not just one thing that causes an anxiety attack to occur. Some commonly known causes include genetics, brain chemistry, environmental stressors, and traumatic life experiences. Of course, certain medical conditions and medications can also contribute to anxiety symptoms. This is why it is very important to be honest with a supportive healthcare professional that you trust, to determine the underlying cause of your anxiety and develop a treatment plan

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

Symptoms experienced by those who have anxiety may look very differently for one person compared to another, but some commonly experienced signs include excessive worry or fear, overwhelming negative emotions, irritability, difficulty concentrating, racing mind, muscle tension, difficulty sleeping and/or sleeping too much. Physical symptoms such as sweating, shaking, trembling, random movement, shallow breathing, incoherent speech and rapid heartbeat can also occur.

It's important to recognize anxiety symptoms, and remember that there is no shame in seeking help if they are interfering with your daily life. A trustworthy healthcare professional can help diagnose and treat anxiety. There is a history of stigma associated with anxiety, and it is simply mistaken and harmful. Please do not let the fear of being stigmatized ever stop you from seeking the appropriate care that you need. Anxiety can happen to ANYONE at anytime and it is not a weakness of character. Asking for help is a sign of vulnerability, which is strength not weakness.

Anxiety Treatment

There are several anxiety treatment options available for anxiety relief, including talk therapy and anxiety medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a common form of therapy that helps individuals identify and change negative thought patterns and behaviors that contribute to an anxiety attack.

Other forms of anxiety disorder treatment, such as exposure therapy, breathing exercises to calm the nervous system, guided anxiety meditation, yoga, and other forms of exercise or exploration of creative outlets can be very soothing. Anxiety medications such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications can also be prescribed by a healthcare professional to help manage symptoms. Again, it is important to work with a trusted healthcare professional to determine the best treatment plan for your individual needs.

Anxiety Relief

There are several strategies that can help individuals manage and cope with anxiety on a daily basis. These include practicing relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga, getting regular exercise (this may look very different for some of us, for me it is Yoga In My Bed), maintaining a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding anything that adds to anxiety such as medications and alcohol. Alcohol may feel as if it settles anxiety initially, but as the alcohol breaks down in your body it actually is shown to increase anxiety levels the following day. It can also be helpful to identify any potential triggers that contribute to your anxiety and develop coping strategies to try to manage them. Seeking support from friends, family, and a mental health professional can also be very beneficial in managing anxiety. Remember, it's important to prioritize your own self-care or you truly cannot be there for anyone else!