Join A Patient Support Group On Zoom

Zoom Support Group For Patients

Join others who are facing similar issues and connect at one our weekly Zoom Patient Support Groups. Gain emotional support, interconnectedness and coping skills.

Patient Support Groups Online

Looking for a supportive and compassionate group to join and discuss your medical condition and/or disability with? Consider joining one of Loving Kindness Yoga's Zoom Patient Support Groups for Illness, Pain & Disability, where you can find commonalities with individuals facing similar health issues and/or physical limitations. Although we may have many different diagnoses, disabilities and life circumstances we have many similar life experiences as those that suffer with pain, illness, and disability. Together, we will learn how to take back some control over our situation, reach out for help when needed, and foster resilience.

Why Join a Zoom Patient Support Group?

When you join one of our Zoom Patient Support Groups for Illness, Pain & Disability, you can expect to join a diverse group of individuals living all over the world! And you will also experience immense emotional support, online camaraderie, and a valuable exchange of knowledge. Through meaningful conversations and activities, you'll gain insights into yourself and receive encouragement from others who empathize with your situation. We welcome you to connect with people who are a source of true emotional support, and access resources that can make every day life easier to manage.

Why Connect With Others in a Support Group?

Being part of a Zoom Patient Support group can help you alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation that many of us feel, as well as provide social support to help you cope with the constant strain of health issues and/or disability. Our patient support group also serves as a place for you to explore new perspectives, and potentially view your situation in a more positive light. Find connection with other people who are facing similar struggles, by venting, listening and refocusing on helpful, positive topics as well as coping techniques. Ideally, giving you more hope, courage, connection and self-compassion. These qualities will help sustain your mental well-being even in the midst of great suffering. An online zoom patient support group allows you to express yourself freely in a safe space, without the fear of judgement or criticism while receiving valuable feedback from friends who have faced similar circumstances.