Is Guided Imagery The Same As Guided Meditation?

Meditation or Guided Imagery, What’s The Difference?

Guided imagery and meditation are two well-known techniques for reducing stress and promoting relaxation and sometimes the terms are used interchangeably. However, while they do share some similarities, there are equally important differences between the two practices. Understanding these differences can help you choose the technique that best suits your needs and preferences in any particular moment.

Understanding Guided Imagery and Meditation

Both guided imagery and meditation involve focusing one’s mind and the relaxation of their body. Guided imagery involves using your imagination to form mental images or visualizations, ultimately creating a sense of relaxation. This can involve imagining yourself in a place that is soothing to you (e.g. the beach, sitting in a green meadow, or by a creek). Another possible example of using guided imagery would be visualizing yourself going through the motions of an upcoming stressful situation (e.g. a job interview or giving a speech) as if it goes perfectly, imagining how it would feel to succeed.

Meditation, on the other hand, involves focusing your attention on something other than your racing, monkey mind! Letting the thoughts come and go (because there is no stopping the thoughts even if you try), we choose instead to focus on feeling into our own bodily sensations, focusing on breathing exercises, and repeating positive affirmations or mantras. Ideally, through the process, we achieve a state of deep relaxation and mental clarity. While both practices can be effective for reducing stress and promoting relaxation, their differences mainly lie in their specific area of focus and overall approach. But, there are obvious similarities and a lot of overlap, as well.

Guided Imagery

Guided imagery can be a powerful tool for relieving stress and increasing relaxation. By visualizing peaceful scenes or positive outcomes, you can create a sense of calm and connectedness within your own mind and body. This can help to reduce feelings of anxiety and pain, while increasing an overall sense of wellness. Guided imagery has even been used to enhance creativity, increase focus and concentration, in addition to fostering a sense of inner peacefulness and harmony. Whether you are simply looking for stress reduction, are interested in improving your mental well-being, or just need to relax, guided imagery can be an incredibly versatile tool to add to your self-care toolbox!


Meditation is a practice that has been used for centuries to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being. It involves focusing your attention on a specific object, thought, or activity, and allowing your mind to become calm and still. Meditation has been shown to have a number of benefits, including reducing anxiety and depression, improving sleep quality, and enhancing cognitive function. It can also help to lower blood pressure, reduce symptoms of pain, and increase immune function. Whether you desire to improve your mental or physical health, meditation can be a valuable tool to improve both simultaneously! And, it is free and costs you absolutely nothing.

Combining Guided Imagery and Meditation

While guided imagery and meditation are both effective practices on their own, combining the two in one practice is common due to the benefits. Guided imagery can help to enhance the visualization aspect of meditation, allowing you to more easily imagine yourself in a uniquely (to you) peaceful, calming space. This can allow for a deepening of your meditation practice and assist in achieving a greater sense of relaxation and calming. Fascinatingly, guided imagery can be used to focus on specific goals, desires or intentions during meditation, such as reducing anxiety or improving self-confidence. Try practicing with each individually and then combining these two practices to find the approach that works best for you, in this moment.